3503 Lincoln Hwy. East
Thorndale PA. 19372

Thorndale Learning Center is a Christian Preschool ministry of Thorndale United Methodist Church. We teach the whole child as they develop social, emotional, cognitive, physical and spiritual growth. We encourage lifelong learners and thinkers through educational experiences, learning through play and Christian values. We are now enrolling for the 2023-2024 school year. Call (484) 356-6328 or email tlcdirector@thorndaleumc.org to schedule a tour of our facility and to meet with our Director, Laura Venezia.

You can learn more about TLC by visiting http://thorndalelearningcenter.com

Laura Venezia, Preschool Director Email: tlcdirector@thorndaleumc.org Website: thorndalelearningcenter.com Thorndale UMC 3503Lincoln Highway, Thorndale, PA. 19372

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